The Do’s And Don’ts Of Hanging A Picture Perfectly

Last updated on September 27th, 2021

Putting up a piece of art on the wall should be simple enough, right? All you need is a hammer and a few nails, and a ladder, maybe. How hard can it be, really?

Well, it isn’t as simple as it sounds and experts say that most people make mistakes when trying to put up pictures on their walls. And a wrongly hung piece of art is quite capable of making the décor of the whole setting seem – well, off. So, how about we look at a few quick Do’s and Don’ts of hanging artwork?

Do: Hang big paintings or artwork at eye level or slightly lower, measuring roughly around 50-60″ from the floor to the focal point of the artwork.

Don’t: Hang pictures too high, as that will make the room appear claustrophobic.

Do: When hanging a column of artwork in various sizes, align the pieces along their center points.

Don’t: Don’t hang a small piece of art on a huge wall. If the picture you have is rather small, ensure you mount it on a large frame before putting it up.

Do: Match the orientation of the art piece with the space it is trying to fill. If you feel that the artwork and the wall space don’t match in orientation, try using several pictures on the single wall.

Don’t: Don’t hang frames too far apart. Usually, a gap of 2” on all the sides of the picture works well.

Do: If you like the idea of a gallery wall, and want something organized, then stick to a grid format, especially if all the pictures are of the same size. Also, choose matching frames for a unified look.

Don’t: Don’t try to put up a picture on the wall all by yourself. Make sure you have someone to look at it from a distance and guide you about its right alignment and placement, while you hold it in place.