Your 5 Biggest Kitchen Problems Solved

Last updated on October 27th, 2023

“Everything in its place and a place for everything” is the adage that comes to mind when you think about a well-organized kitchen. However, time constraints make it hard to follow these rules, and you are left with a pile of groceries fighting for space with your haldi and chili powder jars.

So, what went wrong? And how do you tackle the bludgeoning pile of extra utensils and tools that promised so much but are rarely used? If you are plagued by kitchen odors, pests, and clutter on your surfaces, we have five amazing tricks to solve your neatness issues. Ready? Let’s start!

1. The Space Crunch Dilemma

We have all faced days when we feel overwhelmed, trying to find a home for the groceries or the high-tech gadgets we couldn’t resist buying. Well, you can turn a blind eye to the mess or check out these solutions. Here goes:

  • Free up counter space by opting for built-in ovens and microwaves.

  • If space permits, a kitchen island is a great addition, as it allows you the freedom to store your toasters, blenders, and utensils.

  • If an island is not possible, go for a sleek and slim storage unit that can play the role of a pantry. And hey, you can even add a drop-down folding table to the mix.

2. When Clutter Rules the Roost

Clutter on the countertop is a common sight in most kitchens. The solution?

  • Nip the problem in the bud by cutting down on your purchases. If you don’t need it, don’t buy it.

  • Discard utensils that are not in use. The same applies to old crockery sets, spices and sauces past their expiry date.

  • Keep cooking tools like spatulas, ladles, and tongs handy near the stove. This can be in a drawer nearby or on the wall in front of you.

  • Put away your spices and oil bottles once you are done. Also, wipe off the counter immediately. That way, you don’t feel overwhelmed with increasing clutter.

Remember, it’s not always about buying new cabinets. It’s also about making do with what you have.

3. Storage Issues for Your Cooking Tools

Tools such as can openers, pizza cutters, apple slicers, etc., can take up a lot of drawer space and are hard to find when you are in a hurry. So, what’s the solution?

  • Hang up your cooking tools on your backsplash to add efficiency and appeal.

  • You can install a floating shelf over your ladle hooks for your spice bottles.

  • Use attractive earthen spoon holders for your paraphernalia.

  • Get a knife block.

  • Use your freed drawer spaces for your other kitchen essentials.

  • Cabinet doors are handy for tools too. All you need is a few hooks for your sieves and graters.

4. For Your Storage woes

All said and done, storage is always challenging in a kitchen, especially when you have kids. So, how do you get extra space in your kitchen when there is no floor space left?

Try installing cabinets overhead. They can be on the sides of your stove or above the fridge. Remember, you can go right up to the ceiling for your extra storage. Narrow vertical units will do the trick as a tiny pantry.

5. When Nasty Odors Prevail

An awful stench can be embarrassing, especially when you have visitors. So, what’s one to do?

  • Never let your trash pile up. Tie up garbage bags before bedtime and replace them with fresh ones. Discard the garbage in the morning. Piling up garbage not only smells but encourages cockroach infestation.

  • If you leave your dirty dishes in the sink for the maid to clean the next day, rinse the food residue.

  • For suspected gas leaks, it’s advisable to contact your service provider immediately.

  • To absorb kitchen odors, ingredients such as coffee grounds, baking soda, or charcoal are the options. To get rid of the stale odor in your fridge, a chopped potato will do the trick. You can place your coffee grounds or baking soda in open containers around the kitchen for better results.

To Sum Up

Time is of the essence when you are juggling housework and a job. Once you adopt these kitchen problem solvers, cooking will be a piece of cake. For tips on storage or kitchen décor, we have some exciting ideas to share. Log in to today.