Decorate Your Bedroom The Feng Shui Way

Last updated on November 12th, 2021

What comes to your mind when you think of getting a good night’s sleep? Probably reducing the temperature of the air conditioner, installing blackout curtains, or even upgrading the mattress – we all have been there and done that to fall asleep. But, as it turns out, optimizing your bedroom’s Feng Shui is all you need, to get a good night’s sleep.

From the positioning of your bed and ensuring the decor is well-balanced, to choosing the right kind of artwork – there are many Feng Shui aspects that aid in sound sleep. So, in case your bedroom doesn’t resonate with an intimate and relaxing atmosphere, then it might be the right time to freshen up the Feng Shui of the area. Here’s what you need to do:

1. The positioning of the bed

Let’s talk about the most essential piece in the bedroom – the bed! As per Feng Shui, the positioning of the bed influences the nature of your sleep. So, put the bed in a commanding position – which makes you feel comfortable and safe. To put it simply, you should be able to see the door as you lie down in the bed. In case it is not possible, think of installing a small mirror at the end of your bed, with the goal that you can see the reflection of the entryway when lying in bed. Additionally, a strong headboard is a must-have, as it gives you the feeling of being secure. Go for a wooden or upholstered headboard, to ensure good Feng Shui in your bedroom.

2. The decor of the bedroom

The decor of the bedroom greatly affects the nature of sleep. To ensure sound sleep, it is important to balance out the decor of the room. For instance, a bed with two identical nightstands and lampshades appears soothing on the eyes. Also, remember that your bedroom needs to be clutter-free (a big no-no to itty-bitty items like trinkets). So, ensure that you only keep things that you need during nighttime to promote mindfulness. The same design strategy goes for guest bedrooms as well.

For bed linens, opt for organic materials like cotton in subdued shades such as, cream, brown, and other earthy hues that keep your bedroom grounded. Spice things up with pops of color in the form of cushions, curtains, and other decor accessories.

3. The right form of art pieces

As per Feng Shui, the images you hang in your bedroom affect the subconscious mind. Hence, ensure that the pictures you plan to hang reflect what you want to welcome in your life. Think of pictures that evoke happy memories, for instance, your wedding picture, or a picture from a beautiful outing.

Another important aspect of hanging pictures in the bedroom is their positioning. Instead of hanging the picture over your headboard, think of installing them in a way so that they face the bed. Hanging pictures over the headboard provides a feeling of unease and can be quite unsettling.

4. A big no to electronics

You have probably read it before, but let us pen it down once again for you – having electronic devices (TV, mobiles, and laptop) is a big Feng Shui no-no for bedrooms! Having them around in the room will remind you of work, and the blue lights that these devices emit keep your brain awake as well. So, do yourself a favor, and remove them from your bedroom. In case you already have a TV installed in the bedroom, think of shifting it, or at least cover it up with a towel during the night.