These 5 Things Are Ruining Your Towels

Last updated on September 28th, 2021

There’s nothing better than taking a long shower and then drying yourself off with a fresh and soft towel! However, after a few washes, you may feel that the towel has lost its softness and doesn’t appear to be as plush as it was in the beginning. You may be washing and conditioning them regularly for them to retain their softness. But, what if we tell you that the detergent and the conditioner that you think are suitable for bath linens are actually ruining the towel?

5 Things Are Ruining Your Towels

So, to help you, we have listed down the 5 common mistakes that are ruining your towel, and how to prevent them.

1. You’re Not Careful About the Products They Come in Contact With

These 5 Things Are Ruining Your Towels

You don’t utilize bleach in the clothing, yet despite everything you’re seeing white spots everywhere on your towels? The offender could be an acne face wash or even your brightening toothpaste. To get rid of the spots, pour white vinegar or lemon juice directly on the towel and let it sit for around 10-15 minutes. Now, clean it using a delicate brush.

2. You’re Hanging Them Two on a Hook

5 Things Are Ruining Your Towels

Hanging two towels on a single hook gives mold, and bacteria a safe spot to settle in and ruin your towel. Hang them up on separate hooks to prevent your towel from getting ruined.

3. You Don’t Wash Them Frequently Enough

5 Things Are Ruining Your Towels

How frequently would it be a good idea for you to wash a towel? It is best to wash it every three days. In case you’re into a once-in-a-week wash schedule, trying to wash frequently guarantees a long life for your clothes.

4. You’re Using Too Much Laundry Detergent

5 Things Are Ruining Your Towels

An excessive amount of detergent will make your towels scratchy and harsh after some time. Towels absorb residues of soap from our bodies, and because they’re used on clean skin, they don’t contain much of dirt. Thus, to clean, use half the detergent of what is required for an ordinary wash, or skip it each couple of washes and simply utilize vinegar. In case of an extremely dirty towel, make it a point to change the washer settings, so it’ll have an extra-long wash cycle.

5. You’re Using Too Much Fabric Softener

Too much of fabric conditioner will restrain a towel’s absorbency and leave a waxy layer. Go light on conditioner, or just skip it.