Revealing The Supreme Shade To Paint Your Bedroom For Blissful Zzz’s

Last updated on December 21st, 2023

Your bedroom is your sanctuary away from the troubles of the world. The last thing you need when you retire for the night is over-stimulation from vibrant shades of yellow or orange. Yup, it may seem hard to believe, but bright shades can disturb your sleep, making it difficult to cope with a new day.

Research says that vibrant colors in the bedroom may negatively impact sleep. And let’s face it, the last thing we need is dark circles and puffy eyes the next morning! To explore this further, let’s check out what the experts have to say about your choice of bedroom colors.

Soothing Blues

Blue is serene and calming and is said to be the number one pick for bedroom decor. Just the thing you need for your zzz’s. Lighter shades of blue work best for this space, as they are more relaxing than the brighter blues. What’s more, this gorgeous shade is perfect for ambiance too.

Expert Speak:

Blue shades reduce the heart rate and respiration, inducing sleep, as blue evokes tranquility. However, it’s best to pick lighter tones as they are more effective.

If you love your neutrals, try bluish-grey to get the best of both worlds.


You can pair your lighter shades of blue with white wood furniture for a classy look, or go for dark wood for a rich, decadent decor. Light curtains and patterned or striped bed linen will bring out the richness of this decor.

Gorgeous Greens

While blue shades top the charts, green colors are a close second for calming decor. Shades such as sage or moss green are ideal. Or you can try a mix of blue and green with teal or aqua-blue shades.

Expert Speak:

Green personifies nature with its rich bounty and is ideal for restful sleep.

All greens may not work to achieve a soothing environment. Colors such as sharp lime greens are stimulating and won’t serve the purpose.


Light wood tones are gorgeous with moss green. You can enhance the look with beige accents. White makes a lovely contrast too and gives the room a clinical vibe.

Colors Your Bedroom Can Do Without

Design trends often advocate the use of bold colors in the bedroom. They undoubtedly look gorgeous and add pizzazz to your decor. However, many of these shades are best avoided. Let’s take a look at what the experts have to say about some popular choices:


Bright yellows and orange are anything but calming and best avoided as they stimulate the nerves.


This shade is a popular choice as it is perfect for the Japandi, Scandinavian and rustic decors. However, this earthy shade creates uncertainty and sleep may be difficult.


Siren red speaks the language of love and is a favorite with young couples. But this loud color may evoke a fight-or-flight response. So best to give it a pass.

Vibrant shades of green:

Lime green fluorescent green and yellows that lean toward green are luminescent and may keep you awake long after lights out.

Saturated bold colors:

Saturated bright colors are ideal for other spaces of the home as a style statement. In the bedroom domain, they evoke alertness, making it difficult to fall asleep.

Colors you aren’t keen on:

If you don’t like a color, it is not going to work for you, even if experts advocate its use. So, it’s best to go by your instincts and pick something you are comfortable in, as long as you have no trouble sleeping in that space.

Summing Up

A serene atmosphere is essential for bedroom decor for peaceful sleep. The right colors can make all the difference in your sleep pattern. As there are several interesting shades of blues and greens to pick from, zeroing on one shouldn’t pose a problem. For tips on colors and their impact on your mood, log in to When you visit us, make sure to check out other interesting home decor ideas for your home.